Create simple a project

Open the compose editor by running ‘ufsm-compose’.


A good start is to open the project settings menu and set a project name and maybe adjust the canvas size. The project settings menu is opened by pressing ‘p’


Create a model by adding normal states ‘a-s’ (Add state). Set the state names by pressing ‘e-n’ (Edit - name).

See Editor commands for a more comprehensive list of commands.


Translate model to code:

$ ufsm-generate c led.ufsm .

This command generates led.c and led.h which contains the state machine.

Example code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "led.h"

void led_on(void *context)
    printf("LED ON\n");

void led_off(void *context)
    printf("LED OFF\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct led_machine m;

    led_init(&m, NULL);

    led_process(&m, eToggle);
    led_process(&m, eToggle);
    led_process(&m, eToggle);
    led_process(&m, eToggle);
    led_process(&m, eToggle);

    return 0;

Build the example:

gcc simple.c led.c -o led

Source code: examples/simple